5 Tips for Career Transformation

“Change is the only thing that never changes in life”

Career Transformation

The world is going through significant transformation every now and then in every single Industries and departments. The pandemic has also definitely pushed us out of our comfort zones that has created many changes in the way we work. If you are someone who stays in a same career for a long time and most likely you will complain about everything around you. Its time for you to upskill yourself to move into better roles within your company or get a better job outside to help bring some positive change including a good pay rise, flexible working options and other benefits. It’s also a good time for someone to start a new career by investing in upskilling your career of interest. If you’re not taking right decisions now then someone else will decide the fate of your career. No matter what career you choose, you need the following basics to succeed as a person.


1. Peaceful Work Environment
Setting up a great work environment right at your home just like how you’d imagine your dream work desk at office is the most essential step. Those had a great work environment at home are the most productive and less stressful during the pandemic. Environment also includes all the facilities you’d need to have around you for your success including a high-speed internet, good configuration laptop or desktop, printers, good quality microphone , clear camera especially for those important face to face meetings, software’s and most importantly you need to ensure the work space is quite private, peaceful and has very little disturbances and amazing place to work or enjoy yourself. If you have all these basic setups fixed then congratulations you have completed the first level of your success.

2. Choose Career Right
You need to do a thorough self-evaluation to understand your natural strengths, motivational factor, passion, and the work culture you best fits. Research the job market and companies enough and identify the best technology or career that suits you or you want to progress. Once you choose your path and set your goals ensure you stick with your goals until you achieve them. Don’t keep on changing the goals too often as you will never achieve success. You may also talk to a professional career advisor to find your best options.

3. Practice Routine
This is most critical part that decides how soon you can succeed. Once you have chosen your career, it’s time for proper planning and execution to achieve your goals. You need to practice a routine and maintain consistency in executing the routine. Practice to wake up, exercise, learn, eat, work, play and sleep the same time every day for many days until it becomes a habit. If you are already doing this, then you are in a great position to transform yourself. Otherwise, you need a career coach to fix your routines.

4. Never ever give-up
You will face many internal and external challenges when you start learning a new skill. You need to be strong and patience enough to overcome those challenges. You need to try different options and approaches to solve the problems you come across. You may research online or talk to an expert to find out the solution if required. The only thing you should not do is to stay in the same place worrying about the problem or are not trying to resolve. If you are trying and still not able to resolve its still okay. Pat on your back, you are gaining more experience in finding one more option that do not work. If you continue doing this, you are sure to find the best solution yourself that will eventually works much better.

5. Set your priorities Right
Your job, home and car are important but most important are your family, health, friends, and passion. Don’t spend more time on unwanted notifications from your mobile phones and social media and worrying about things that doesn’t work instead focus on following your plans and routines for success from all previous steps. Be strict on your timeline and how you spend your energy. Schedule your study time, family time, work time, break time, play time and sleep time correctly based on your priority and you follow them correctly and ensure one does not impact the other at any cost.

Have you ever experienced positive changes by trying any of these options ? Let us hear about in the comments!


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