Faculty of Information & Communication Technology
Mr.Okello Jimmy Obira,MS
Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Umesh Kumar, PhD
Mr. Male Kenneth Msc
Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Kibwika Nasurudin Bashir, MSc. IT
Assistant Lecturer
Mr Thilak Kumar,Msc
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. Juliet Kategaya Nsiima
Senior Lecturer
Mr Sajjad Surve,MBA
Assistant Lecturer
Mr.Philemon Bariyo,Msc
Assistant Lecturer
Dr. DV Ramana
International Guest Lecturer
Faculty of Business & Commerce
The Faculty of Business and Commerce (FBAC) at ISBAT University offers a variety of niche programmes which are relevant, technology-bundled and top-of-the-notch on job demands across the globe. The Faculty has eminent Professors and Senior Lecturers who have industry exposure and research background in their respective areas of specializations.
The programmes are outcome-based and are taught on case study and research basis with a view to provide the students with real-life practical experience. The compulsory internship and projects within the program ensure that the applied skills are sharpened for ready placement in the respective industries.
ISBAT University’s global engagements ensures that the awards are globally recognized for placement in fortune companies as well as for higher studies and research in leading global institutions. The dual degree award choice with a leading European university offers students with a unique opportunity to receive two prestigious awards leading to highly placed engagements globally.
FBAC ‘s engagement with IACBE (International Accreditation Council for Business Education) towards global accreditation is a bigger milestone towards placing the graduates at par with the leading university awards globally. Currently the FBAC is at the level of Candidature for Accreditation status, which is a step towards full accreditation.