Appreciating the power of UI /UX in the tech Industry


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Discovering the importance of UI / UX design to the industry.

Speakers: Ms. Primera Muthoni and her team from MTN.
Other Dignitaries: Dr. Pradeep kumar, Director of Academics, ISBAT University.
Organizing Team: Mr. Dhanish, Ms. Musimenta Marieh, Mr. Francis.

The workshop was coordinated by GDSC president under Google’s initiative together with the City Campus administration by inviting Mrs. Primera Muthoni as the guest speaker who is an ICT product Design and Developer, MTN Uganda who further manages the consumer and business product design, roadmap and life-cycle management, a specialist in human centered design.

The day began with the arrivals of both students and the guests from MTN which was followed with prayer from the MC Ms. Aline, Mr. Francis gave welcome address followed by the Opening remarks from Director of Academics Dr. Pradeep Kumar who then introduced Mrs. Primera as the first speaker who then majorly introduced us to the topic of the day UI/UX , the difference and how they work together. Later She introduced her team member Mr. Bonny who is a UI designer at MTN Uganda, who took us through the UI journey and further defined what it meant to be a UI designer.
Followed by Mr. Bonny, The next team member Mr. Gad briefed his experience on what is to be a UX Designer . Mr. Gad manage the customer journey and product delivery at MTN. MTN team member Mr. Bruno an IT professional who has focused on being a product manager is basically a liaison between the product development team and business owner.

Mr. Bruno shared his knowledge and experience in regard to UX UI Design. After the MTN team taking us through introductions, personal stories and advantages of UI and UX designers we had a short break and refreshments were provided to the speakers at the Library.
During the ten minutes break , Semester four students Mr. Ndawula, Mr. Thon and Mr. Derek from the DSE Course presented a smart house project that was entirely illustrating IOT and how we can incorporate it in our day to day lives. A smart House IOT project, where a client is position to control all lights using an app installed on his/her by turning them on and off remotely. The smart House Lights can be switched on through voice recognition

After the break, The MTN had a practical session with the students to see how ideas can be raised from paper to an actual finished product, seven students presented ideas and one of the ideas was selected to be guided and designed by the MTN team. The event concluded by  a vote of thanks by Ms. Marieh, Google Student Club president.

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