Student Mobility Program at ISBAT University 


Press Release


1st February 2023



ISBAT University as a reputed Chartered University in Uganda is a Partner University of Erasmus+ program with UCAM University Spain. This partnership agreement facilitates student and faculty exchanges between the two Universities. The Erasmus+ KA107 Program of the European Commission promotes mobility of students and staff members between Higher Education Institutions in Europe and partner institutions in non-European partner countries. The Universidad Católica San Antonio De’ Murcia (UCAM) has been a beneficiary of various scholarship programs under the action KA107 in between 2020 to 2023 academic call. These grants are aimed for students from partner universities for the purpose of exchange periods at UCAM University Spain, Murcia for a period of (5) Months.


Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) | World University Rankings | THE

ISBAT University is consistently ranked among the top higher education institutions in Uganda as UCAM is in Spain and the European Union. The two winning universities are increasingly cooperating and contributing to the development of the educational sector and scientific research, within the national and international context through cutting-edge educational models for the benefit of the communities involved. The exchange program with UCAM University brings global perspective and values at ISBAT. Where students and staff share different culture values and training. During the training, staff and students learn new competencies and skills particularly focusing on the marketing, international admissions and cultural values. An opportunity for both institutions to consolidate its cooperation through the staff mobility program as a strategy to increase its internationalization and to implement new modern educational models.

During the selection process of students who participate in the mobility program certain selection criteria is followed by both Universities. To be eligible, the proposed student mobility must fulfil the following general conditions:

The area of study of the selected student must coincide with the study areas included in the Inter-Institutional Agreement between UCAM University and ISBAT University. ISBAT University as a higher education institution also agrees to, Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination and to promote and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds, in particular disadvantaged or vulnerable groups of students, the University applies a selection process that is fair, transparent and documented, ensuring equal opportunities to participants eligible for mobility. It also ensures recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and, where possible, traineeships of its mobile students.

The university ensure that outbound mobile participants are well prepared for the mobility, including having attained the necessary level of linguistic language proficiency. Ensure that student and staff mobility for education or training purposes is based on a learning agreement for students and validated in advance between the sending and receiving institutions. All costs such as visas, insurance, travel, accommodation, food is covered within the organisational support grants.

Under this arrangement ISBAT University has already sent the First Cohort of Students, to UCAM University Undertaking programs in Engineering, Information Technology and Business Management. This is the second cohort of student going for the same program and they are expected to represent the University and Country in various disciplines of study for the period of five (5) Months.

The Universidad Católica San Antonio De’ Murcia (UCAM)  is a private Catholic university consistently ranked at the top European university, located in the sunny Spanish region of Murcia. The University prides itself on providing students with a theoretical and practical education that’s rooted in the teachings of the Catholic church. UCAM offers a wide range of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Professional formation degrees, as well as several vocational and language courses. Courses are taught in both English and Spanish, with business, sport, psychology and health sciences being amongst the most popular. Set in the stunning surroundings of the Jerónimos Monastery, the University is home to a variety of top-notch facilities. Students can access modern laboratories, a library, an auditorium, state-of-the-art studios, and magnificent athletic venues.


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